
Boy with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is characterized by symptoms of inattention, lack of focus, difficulty following through on tasks, forgetfulness, and problems with organization skills. Additionally, children with ADHD have difficulty sitting still, frequently fidget and move around, talk excessively and interrupt others, and have a hard time waiting their turn or following rules of social engagement. These symptoms persist for at least six months and negatively impact performance at school, home, and in social situations. In addition to interfering with social, academic, and occupational performance, these symptoms are present in two or more different settings and prior to age 12.

Fortunately, there are several treatment strategies that research has proven to be effective for people suffering from ADHD. If left untreated, the symptoms of ADHD can be difficult to overcome and often debilitating when faced with tasks requiring organization, focus, and follow-through. Many children (and adults) with symptoms of ADHD find it very hard to pay attention and remember things, making it hard to complete tasks and interact effectively with others. A combined treatment approach of medication management and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is a great strategy for helping those affected to overcome obstacles and function effectively.

If ADHD is affecting your life or someone you love, feel free to contact Optimistic Counselling to arrange an appointment for evaluation and assessment.