Child & adolescent assessment

Child with Autism

Psychological assessments are crucial in diagnosis and to develop appropriate treatment plans, but also provide a quantitative method for measuring progress and treatment efficacy. As such, assessments are an important tool to ensure your child’s healthy development.

With over 20 years of experience, Optimistic Counselling specialises in administering clinical assessments in school and hospital settings. We utilise over 30 different psychological testing scales addressing a variety of child and adolescent disorders, including ADHD, Autism, Disruptive Behavior Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, and Bipolar Disorders.

Diagnosing and treating psychological disorders early on can help children grow up safely, letting them explore their full potential while growing up. We have successfully worked with schools in the past to provide necessary support and access to services, to ensure the healthy development of every child.


Conflict resolution & addictionS

Conflict Counselling Session

Drug and alcohol addictions remain the most commonly treated addictions and compulsions. At Optimistic Counselling, a collaborative effort between therapist and client is used to develop goal-directed behaviours to break free from addictive behaviours and achieve a better quality of life. This involves substituting positive behaviours through conscious planning of tasks to create a sense of empowerment and purpose. Approaches vary on an individual basis, but may include 12-step approaches or a harm reduction model, developing future with a focus on encouragement, education, and training from an expert.

Insightful and dynamic approaches are also used in conflict resolution, whether in professional settings or within families. Interventions incorporate research in social and organisational psychology to encourage understanding and peaceful negotiation.


individual & family therapy

Friend providing emotional support

With years of experience treating problematic behaviours in teenagers, Optimistic Counselling provides in-home family therapy as well as individual counselling using psychoanalytic, humanistic, and cognitive behavioral approaches to support you when facing life’s challenges. Operating from a strengths perspective that focuses on the human potential for growth and resilience, we use principles from psychotherapy and psychodynamic theory, to help clients achieve wholeness through an integration of the self.

In family therapy, the focus shifts from the self to Structural Family Therapy. This parent-friendly approach and emphasises team working and practical problem solving, gives clear feedback and responds to the presenting problems. This approach is enlightening for families and organizations, and avoids using covert methods of intervention.


Trainings & Seminars

Woman explaining psychology concepts

With ample international experience, Optimistic Counselling is equipped to provide training on a variety of topics. All trainings are tailored to your needs, with varying degrees of interactive participant involvement. Whether a three-day seminar or an online presentation, a wide range of topics may be covered depending on your needs. Additionally, regular seminars and training workshops can be provided at schools and companies to establish rapport through a long-term relationships.

Past examples include Parent and Family Education on Autism; Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); Family Therapy for Disruptive Teens; Mentoring Programs for Teens; Management of Depression, Anxiety and Stress; Coping with Illness and Disease; Enhancing Productivity and Employee Satisfaction; and Alcohol and Drug Addiction, Dependency, and Treatment.


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