
Man with anxiety smoking

Anxiety arises as a human response to environmental pressures or stress. It can take many forms, but most often appears as persistent worries, fears, doubts or negative thoughts about our ability to handle work or obligations in our lives. Additional symptoms of anxiety include restlessness and irritability, feeling keyed up or on edge, difficulty concentrating and lack of focus, sleep problems, muscle tension, and being easily fatigued or exhausted.

While a moderate level of anxiety can actually help motivate certain people to accomplish tasks and maintain goal-directed behaviors, excessive anxiety can become debilitating and interfere with our daily functioning. Large amounts of anxiety that build up within us and go untreated can develop into more serious problems such as social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, separation anxiety and panic disorder.   

Many evidence-based treatments for anxiety are available. Some of these strategies include slow breathing, muscle relaxation exercises, and channeling negative emotions in a more positive direction. By identifying anxiety as it arises, and dealing with it appropriately, one can minimize the negative impact of anxiety and lead a more fulfilling life.